Turning Ideas Into Reality
Business Analyst Specialist
Project Objective:
To create a web-based system to help CPSC accurately find and eliminate recalled products that are illegally offered for sale online.
Role Description:
Create an interactive Tableau dashboard, connected to AWS Server, to allow analysis of recall trends and track ongoing caases.
Database Administrator
Project Objective:
Complete the design, development, and presentation of an actual database application.
Role Description:
Use mySQL to develop a database with a corresponding EER diagram. Followed up with three paramaterized queries that show business justification.
Business Process Optimization
Project Objective:
Develop a client staffing optimization tool to determine an optimal staffing of consultants to client projects.
Role Description:
Using Visual Basic, this application adjusts for constraints to optimize Profit. Each tab is interactive and can be used to find specific information on individual consultants or projects.
Project Objective:
Assist Fena's empanada stand as much as possible.
Role Description:
With over $1,000 raised for 5 small businesses, create a business plan that successfully conveys why and how Fena can use the money to be more successful.
This website serves as my journal for things I want to remember.
By no means am I a web developer, and there are definitely flaws on this site, but man was it satisying to create.
So many memories flow through my head when I open each tab of this website.
How did I create this webpage?
HTML, CSS, JavaScript and a lot of Youtube/W3Schools!
How many hours went into this project?
A lot... Probably north of 50 with coding, charting, and brainstorming
Did you notice a problem with the website?
Don't tell me, I have so much I want to do with the site I just don't have the time